Become an Instructor
October 20, 2020 2024-01-16 14:36Become an Instructor
Teaching in the Era of Technology
An online course, designed to equip educators working with children and youth with an in-depth understanding of navigating the digital world
Master Knowledge in Your Own Language
This course is available in over 10 languages. Join TAK Index’s global learner community and embrace learning in your language.
Digitalisation and Brain Development
What aspects of brain development can be influenced by digitalization, …
Digitalisation and Brain Development
Digital Games and Cognitive Development
How can the use of digital games contribute to cognitive …
Digital Games and Cognitive Development
How can educators spot signs of cyberbullying among their students, …
Online Behavioural Addictions: Fact or Fiction?
What methods and strategies can educators employ to address the …
Online Behavioural Addictions: Fact or Fiction?
Teaching Maths in the Digital World: The Case of Early Math
What strategies and digital tools can be employed to enhance …
Teaching Maths in the Digital World: The Case of Early Math
Computational Thinking in K12
What strategies and digital tools can be employed to enhance …
The Impact of AI on Education
How has the evolution of digitalisation impacted the structure of …
Impact of Digitalisation on Education
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Instructor Rules
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How we help you
Neque convallis a cras semper auctor. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt egetnvallis a cras semper auctonvallis a cras semper aucto. Neque convallis a cras semper auctor. Liberoe convallis a cras semper atincidunt egeeque convallis a cras semper auctor. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt egetnvallis a cras semper auctonvallis a cras semper aucto. Neque convallis a cras semper auctor. Liberoe convallis a cras semper atincidunt egetnval
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How we help you
Neque convallis a cras semper auctor. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt egetnvallis a cras semper auctonvallis a cras semper aucto. Neque convallis a cras semper auctor. Liberoe convallis a cras semper atincidunt egeeque convallis a cras semper auctor. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt egetnvallis a cras semper auctonvallis a cras semper aucto. Neque convallis a cras semper auctor. Liberoe convallis a cras semper atincidunt egetnval
We're here to help
Our Instructor Support Team is here for you 24/7 to help you through your course creation needs. Use our Teaching Center, a resource center to help you through the process.This community group is always on, always there, and always helpful.